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World Portraits

In 2019 I was approached by Wilma, who was working for Oxfam Novib at the time.

Wilma wanted to use a photo from my collection for the Oxfam Novib postcards and asked if she was allowed to do so. "Of course, nice even" was my answer to her.

August 2021, an e-mail from Wilma in my mailbox. Wilma explains that she had taken over World Portraits and that she wanted to breathe new life into this initiative. She was looking for photographers and asked "Would I be interested in working with her again by posting photos on this site". Of course I said "Yes" to this great initiative and started it right away. I recently posted 100 model release photos on the World Portraits Fairtrade Photography website.

If you want to see more photos, check out the World Portraits website


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Featured in Zoom Nederland

Wow, this month I'm in the zoom magazine.

We like to take our camera with us when we travel! From imposing landscapes to beautiful travel portraits, we capture like to share the best moments of our trip.

Ed Peeters (EdPeetersPhotography) is causing a furore on with his travel portraits. In this crash course he shares his knowledge so that you can travel photo can shoot stunning portraits!

Featered in the magazine of May/June 2020.


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Iammozi Photoshoot

Today I had a photo shoot at the FloJa Foundation in Ngara, Malawi.

In January 2017 IAMMOZI, a T-shirt brand with the mission; awareness of connection was set up. The first collection was produced in India in collaboration with Fair&co and everyone who ordered a T-shirt donated 1 on 1 to children in Malawi. I was invited to be there when these T-shirts were distributed in Malawi.

For more information about IAMMOZI click on the following link


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On the blog of Ed Peeters Photography you will discover everything about portraits, landscape and nature photography

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