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Guru in Gurushots

Today I reached the Guru Status in GuruShots the world's greatest photography game.

A Guru, in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, means one who is a teacher, guide, or master of certain knowledge.

You start off as a Newbie and work your way up to Guru status. You submit your photos to daily photo challenges and you receive feedback from millions of people like you who simply love taking photos. You will receive great insights, improve your skills and experiment with your photos and find out which of them are WOW.

You gain exposure and you earn badges that demonstrate your achievements.

Becoming a guru will be a challenge - success and value only come with dedication.



Published in Zoom Nederland

I was so happy to see one of the photos I took in Zoom magazine. magazine is the largest photography magazine in the Netherlands and is published in 10 editions a year. Every edition current, inspiring and educational photography articles that teach you how to photograph better.

Published in the magazine of July/August 2018.



National Geographic 2018 calendar

Great, I'm in the National Geographic 2018 calendar with not 1 but 3 of my photos.

A journey around the world in 365 days: with the National Geographic Tear-off Calendar you discover special people, animals and natural phenomena, recorded in places all over the world.



On the blog of Ed Peeters Photography you will discover everything about portraits, landscape and nature photography

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